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E3415A "TOWAR" - HAPE - PL - Produkcja miodu - Green Planet Explorer

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E3415A "TOWAR" - HAPE - PL - Produkcja miodu - Green Planet Explorer


WARNING: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. There is a risk of choking on small parts. Wash all non-wooden parts of the product thoroughly before first use. For play use only. Not for use with real food or real stove/oven. Remove the packaging before giving the toy to your child. Keep all relevant information on the package. Decorations and colors may vary slightly vary.

Detailed information

  • EAN: 6943478037465
  • Product code: E3415A
  • Manufacturer data: Hape International AG Alsfelder Straße 41 35325 Mücke, Germany, info@hapetoys.eu, www.hape.com
    Dane importera: TREFL SA ul. Kontenerowa 25 81-155 Gdynia, Polska, trefl@trefl.com, www.trefl.com
  • Country of origin: China
  • Weight of collective packaging (kg): 0.380000